Looking back on this past year—and facing forward together


At Hamilton Families, we believe that every family deserves a fair shot. And thanks to the HamFam community, we will strive to give every San Francisco family that chance in 2023.  

Curtis Smith, author of “Homelessness and Housing Advocacy” and faculty at Bentley University, has said the role of social service provider in the life of someone experiencing homelessness “can be life-changing.” 

Well, we can all agree 2022 was life-changing for us all. But as I look back, I’m confident it has also been a time in which we’ve achieved some collective purpose, too. 

Our purpose at Hamilton Families—ending family homelessness—has become even more urgent in light of a looming economic recession, massive layoffs, and a housing system riddled with racial injustice. Over the last year, Hamilton Families and our City partners have launched strategies to house families more quickly, and are working to unlock more funding to house more of our families, friends, and neighbors. Over 200 families who were experiencing homelessness now have a permanent, safe place to call home. 

Take a moment to watch this video and reflect on why we—as a community—need to come together. 

As we look toward to 2023, we’re hoping to get a better idea of who’s joining us so we can give you the resources and experiences you need to stay engaged in our work to make family homelessness in San Francisco a thing of the past.  

We’ve proven that nothing is more certain than the fact that progress happens when people use their collective power. Thanks for being a part of this!

Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy, and hopeful 2023! 

In community, 

Kyriell Noon

CEO Hamilton Families 

Make ending family homelessness your New Year’s Resolution =>

Looking back at the #YearinPictures 

It’s our privilege to share our mission with you each and every month in our newsletter, but rarely do our Hamilton Heroes get to see the whole picture of what it takes to house and support families day-in and day-out. Take this moment to see some scenes from the field as we work to make our mission of ending family homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area, a reality.  


Our whole community does better when everyone has good, safe housing options. We all benefit from housing justice and so it’s up to all of us to fight for it. Like this post if you agree that we need to #EndFamilyHomelessness and learn more: hamiltonfamilies.org/get-involved 

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