Promoting Housing & Racial Justice Starts at Home with You

promoting housing and racial justice starts at home with you

You can’t separate racial justice from housing justice. Generations of exclusionary policies and institutional racism have created an unjust housing system that fails communities of color, particularly Black and African American communities.

Strengthening those communities is how we move the whole Bay Area forward. And getting it right means being honest about how we got here, so we can take on the underlying systemic problems. It means taking on the way that oppression, racism, and inequity are baked into the structure of how housing is developed and delivered in our communities. 

That’s why our vision at Hamilton Families is a simple one. We believe the San Francisco Bay Area is at its best when people from all backgrounds can start a life here, raise a family here, and thrive here. Hamilton Families envisions a Bay Area where housing is accessible and affordable, where homelessness is rare, brief, and nonrecurring, and where all people and families have a safe and stable place to live. 

Promoting justice and equity starts at home. The fight against complacency and the status quo starts at home. A diverse, equitable, thriving Bay Area starts at home.  

Let’s build those homes and strengthen our neighborhoods so that families don’t face displacement.  

Let’s make sure all of us, especially those who have been locked out for generations, have a decent place to come home to. That’s the future our community deserves. 

In community,

Kyriell Noon
CEO Hamilton Families

Check out our Ham4Progress Black History Month stories =>

#ICYMI: A Call-to-Action to Address Racial Equity in Homelessness and Housing Policy

Last November, Hamilton Families hosted a community forum to dive into a deeper understanding of the connection between structural racism and racial disparities among homeless populations, providing guidance on developing and implementing actionable procedures for addressing racial disparities.

Help Us Share How to End Family Homelessness

There are many ways you can spread awareness of family homelessness and help bring greater attention and resources to the fight to end family homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area. Through awareness campaigns, celebrity engagement, and online and social marketing, we work to rally public support to help families experiencing homelessness and end its brutal impact. Our campaigns connect you with tools and resources to help you raise awareness among your friends, family, and communities. 

Join @HamFamSF, stand up, and speak out for families experiencing #homelessness and housing insecurity, and for the creation of policies that foster diversity and inclusion in the SF Bay Area. Your voice may be your greatest tool in helping to #EndFamilyHomelessness!

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