Meet Martha: "The hardest part of being homeless is the shame and guilt and the not knowing"

“For 23 years, we rented a house. When I say we, that's me and my whole family: my mom, my sister, my nephew, my children, and it was happy. It was really nice that we were all together. The owner had to sell the house and we had to move out, so I looked for places. It wasn't that easy and losing my job didn't help so that's pretty much how I ended up homeless. I was very surprised that I could become one of the people that becomes homeless. You don't see yourself there, you really don't, until it happens to you. Not knowing what was going to happen next made me very nervous, very stressed out. You don’t know when's it going to stop, and you don't know until somebody opens a door for you and that's what Hamilton Families did for me.”

Watch Martha’s story now and thank her for sharing her story.