You (YES YOU) are helping SF Bay Area families stabilize and thrive!

You (YES YOU) are helping SF Bay Area families stabilize and thrive!

Despite the lingering anxiety and uncertainty brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic this year, individuals and communities united to speak up and act out on behalf of families experiencing homelessness. Hamilton Families doubled down on our commitment to fight for low-income and BIPOC families experiencing homelessness in our community and with your support, our efforts had a powerful impact on the families we served.

YOU and the rest of our supporters, donors, community partners, and local advocates have been among the Bay Area’s strongest champions in addressing San Francisco’s homelessness crisis; all of whom have been led by our dedicated frontline staff who embody our commitment to ensure that all people and families in the Bay Area have access to a safe, affordable home. 

If you download our 2021 Annual Report, you will see that at Hamilton Families, for the second year in a row, we have served over 800 families—a 200 percent increase in the number of families we served less than a decade ago. Emergency shelter, transitional housing, rental subsidies, and workforce development all remain critical pieces of the social safety net we provide. Our goal this year is to supplement those efforts with a new intervention: a direct cash assistance program to help propel families towards long-term housing and family stability. 

You have helped us create a ripple effect that we hope will extend beyond San Francisco, and into the greater Bay Area as we share our efforts to help low-income families stabilize and thrive. Thank you.

In community,

Kyriell Noon
CEO Hamilton Families

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Take a look at our 2021 Annual Report

This past year saw its fair share of challenges but also an incredible number of successes in helping to stem the tide of family homelessness in our communities; no easy feat considering we’re still in the midst of a pandemic. Download our 2021 Annual Report and read about all the challenges we have overcome, trends we are seeing on the ground floor, and successes we have accomplished in our mission to end family homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area.

These families made it home thanks to you!

Join @HamFamSF, stand up, and speak out for families experiencing #homelessness and housing insecurity, and for the creation of policies that foster diversity and inclusion in the SF Bay Area. Your voice may be your greatest tool in helping to #EndFamilyHomelessness!

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