Join the fight to end family homelessness!

Family homelessness and affordable housing advocates are the engine behind our policy and budget advocacy efforts at Hamilton Families. Our advocates have pushed forward policy change in the San Francisco Bay Area and have helped us generate more than $82 million in government funding for family homelessness programs and services over the past 10 years.

Family homelessness advocates educate their elected officials about homelessness’ devastating toll on families and children, and hold them accountable for supporting policies to accelerate the end of family homelessness in our communities through new interventions and provide compassionate care for families experiencing homelessness.

You don’t need to be an expert in government or policy to be an advocate—all you need is your voice, your passion, and a commitment to making a difference. 

To be a part of the next success story, sign up as an advocate below! Together, we will End Family Homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area.

In order to connect you with your legislators, it's important that we have your complete, accurate address. Hamilton Families will not share your information with any other group or persons.